
August 31, 2021

Parents and Positive Praise towards Children

Wow*~Awesome~*Great Job!

Most of us love being recognized for a job well done! Whether it’s a parent, spouse, boss- it feels good to be noticed. But is it enough? A recent study found “process praise” was most effective in indirectly influencing other behaviors (such as doing well in classes like math or reading). This type of praise focuses on the work or effort a child uses to complete a task, rather than the end result. For example, “I love how you’re thinking about where to put the block” “I like how you’re using careful hands” “Ooh, you’re trying another way, that’s so creative!” We can reinforce flexible thinking, perseverance, and regulation simply by changing what we praise! Reminder: Words are powerful, and your children are listening. Bonus: I love how you’re reading the monthly newsletters to learn more. J

Gunderson, E. A., Sorhagen, N. S., Gripshover, S. J., Dweck, C. S., Goldin-Meadow, S., & Levine, S. C. (2018). Parent praise to toddlers predicts fourth grade academic achievement via children’s incremental mindsets. Developmental Psychology, 54(3), 397–409.

December Words:

Wonder (action, noun):

Play think-out-loud games hiding objects or toys in blocks, snow, winter clothes. “I wonder where___is?”

Shiver (action, noun): Cold weather is here! Model how to shiver and find or name ways to warm up! (Hats, gloves, scarf, heater, fire, blankets, etc.)

Icicle (thing, noun): Talk about icicle’s and where they can be found (door frames, trees, decks).  Talk about how they feel (cold) and ask if they are hard or soft.

Winter clothing items (thing, noun): Now that it is cold and we are bundling up – talk about the winter items.  What part of the body do they go on?  What do you put on first?  What do you put on next?  What do you put on last?

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